“Quinoa! I can steer clear of rice and use quinoa as a substitute. Plus, it has a low glycemic index and is a great source of protein. Soups and salads become more interesting whenever I add a generous amount of quinoa.”—Janesa Ramirez

“Two ingredients I’m planning to cook more often with are tofu and oats. Tofu will help me reduce my meat intake, and oats always give me enough energy to get through a tiring day.” —MicMic Bangcoro-Tubay

“2014 will be the year I choose the good kind of fat, like those found in avocados! We usually use avocados in many of our homemade desserts. This time, I plan on using this fruit in salads, soups, and even main dishes. I’d also love to come up with my own guacamole, perfect for Mexican nights at home!”—Nicole Franci sco

“I’d like to cook with couscous more. It’s light and can be a great substitute to rice. I usually cook couscous in homemade stock, then I add tuna, spinach, minced carrots, and a splash of milk. It’s great paired with other light proteins such as steamed fi sh or chicken.”—Wendy Yu

“This year, fi sh and vegetables will take over my kitchen! I’m excited to come up with unique and interesting combinations. One dish that I want to try is fi sh fi llet with wintermelon. It’s a healthy alternative to the traditional Chinese soup of wintermelon and pork.”—Cathy Uy Ng

“Our local leafy greens like malunggay! The leaves are packed with vitamins A and C, protein, and potassium. There are so many ways it can be prepared—in pasta, in soup, or even in desserts and pastries.”—Mari del Pacleb

“I’d like to cook more often with kale, and I hope that there will be more suppliers of this vegetable this year. There are so many things you can do with it and I’m excited to come up with recipes taking advantage of this glorious green leaf. It’s a great source of iron and omega-3 fatty acids.”— Mann y Vergara

“I noticed how a lot of restaurants started cooking with tea last year. Some even infuse tea in their savory dishes. I’d love to give this same technique a try and come up with interesting infusions of my own.”—Mari lou Chen

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