THE DILEMMA You bought a carton of cream to use in a recipe, but you have a lot left over. The box says that once opened, it’s best to consume everything within 3 days. Is there a way to extend its shelf life?

WHAT TO DO Pop the sealable carton of cream in the freezer and just use it some other time! Yes, manufacturers try to discourage you from doing so, but thrifty home cooks and bakers, including renowned pastry chef and cookbook author David Lebovitz, freeze cream all the time. So when you find yourself with a large carton of cream, you can either freeze it outright, or do what we prefer: measure out cupfuls of cream and pour into freezer-safe containers before freezing. You can use it more efficiently this way. Before using, defrost the cream by letting it thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Give it a good shake to make sure the butterfat does not settle on the bottom. If the cream looks grainy even after thawing, here’s another tip from Lebovitz: Whisk a little sugar into the cream to make it smoother in consistency.

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