Great Steaks

Nothing beats a great steak, but sometimes you need to be a butcher to know which steak is which! The price differs greatly too, driven by availability and popularity. Here are some of the more well-known steaks you will find at your butchers.


From the whole rib of beef, the blade bone is removed along with the finger bones, creating a boneless rib of beef. The fat is removed and trimmed, leaving the eye of the fore rib to cut a beautiful thick steak from. Rib-eye steaks are large and slightly rounded carrying a little more fat than other types of steak but are the most flavoursome and very tender.


Sirloin comes from the wing end of the rump and loin. Firstly the bone needs removing, before trimming any excess fat. A line of gristle runs along the back of the joint which needs removing. At this stage you can either keep it whole as a roasting joint or cut nice thick steaks. Sirloin steaks are lean, tender and boneless, with a thin layer of fat running
along one edge. Suitable for all methods of quick cooking and has a great flavour.


T-bones come from the middle section of the rump and loin. A T-bone is actually a fillet on one side of the bone and sirloin on the other. You eitherremove these cuts separately or keep whole to produce a T-bone steak. These steaks are tender and flavoursome.


Rump steaks come from the hind quarter. The fillet is the muscle on the inside and the sirloin is on the outside with the rump. The fillet is removed first, then the joint is deboned and the rump tail removed. The top muscle is removed as it has a large piece of gristle in it.
We cut the first steak from this joint for dicing because of the gristle, after which you can cut lovely, large steaks. It is my personal favourite for full flavour. How you have your steak cooked is, of course, an individual preference, but I would always advise a steak to be cooked rare to maximise the tenderness and flavour, as an overcooked steak can end up tough and dry. There are many more different types of steak which come in and out of fashion and from new butchery methods, but these four are traditionally the most common and favoured. Check out our YouTube Channel which will show you how all these steaks are cut.